Beer Cocktails: Cherry Whiskey Smash

The Whiskey Smash was created in 1862 by Jerry Thomas and was intended to be a “lazy Mint Julep”. A smash can be a spectrum of cocktails and often utilizes seasonal flavors. At its heart, the smash can be a deliciously experimental drink, using what’s on hand and smashing it all together.


You will also need a cocktail shaker and muddler.


  1. First, muddle your mint, simple syrup and lemon juice in the bottom of your cocktail shaker.

  2. Once you’ve broken down the mint, add your whisky and fill the shaker with ice.

  3. Give it several good shakes and dump it into your glass.

  4. Place hawthorn strainer over the mixing glass and pour into your cocktail glass.

  5. Now it’s time to pop that cap off of your Hokkaido and top off your drink.

Voila! It’s that easy and now you’re ready to enjoy your fresh a fruity cocktail. With its resealable cap, you can save the rest of the beer for making another round, or stick it in the fridge to drink for later.